the national edible vegetable oil inventory joint spot inspection team came to the company to inspect-k8凯发版官网

 the national edible vegetable oil inventory joint spot inspection team came to the company to inspect-k8凯发版官网 金胜集团k8凯发版官网-金胜粮油集团

the national edible vegetable oil inventory joint spot inspection team came to the company to inspect






on june 25, the national edible vegetable oil inventory joint spot inspection team, led by liu jun, deputy general manager of the customer department of the agricultural development bank of china head office, came to our company to inspect the edible vegetable oil inventory. liu yanxiang, deputy mayor of the municipal government, zhang zongyi, deputy secretary-general of the municipal government, xu yong, director of the municipal grain bureau, gao yongsheng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, zhang yongqi, director of the county office, accompanied the inspection.

 after listening to the report from general manager gao guanyong, the random inspection team went deep into the company's reservoir area to conduct on-site inspections of the edible vegetable oil inventory quantity, quality and hygiene. the inspection team has a scientific division of labor and close collaboration, and is divided into physical, quality, and warehousing inspection teams and statistics and accounting inspection teams. they conducted a comprehensive inspection of the company's oil quantity, quality, accounting processing, warehousing management, and other aspects. the physical, quality and warehousing inspection team accurately measures the circumference and height of the oil tank, determines the density and temperature of the oil, strictly follows the quality inspection plan to extract and seal oil samples in layers, and checks the company's warehousing management status and the implementation of the quality management system; statistics , the accounting inspection team carefully checked the company's different types of oil inventory statistical accounts, accounting accounts, custody accounts, and related auxiliary accounts, accounting vouchers, etc., and carefully compared them with the actual inventory of the physical inspection team. the spot inspection team believes that our company attaches great importance to the inventory inspection of edible vegetable oils, has complete equipment, safety protection in place, and a combination of supervision and self-inspection; the oil inventory accounts are accurate and consistent; and the oil storage management is standardized.

it is understood that this year’s edible vegetable oil inventory inspection is a large-scale inventory of edible vegetable oil stocks across the country. it will strengthen grain and oil inventory management, consolidate the material basis for grain macro-control, and ensure that market supply and grain and oil prices are basically stable. it is of great significance to achieve the goal of "stabilizing the market, ensuring security, strengthening industry, and benefiting people's livelihood".
