jinsheng group party committee’s party history learning and education activities entered the yimeng revolution memorial hall-k8凯发版官网

 jinsheng group party committee’s party history learning and education activities entered the yimeng revolution memorial hall-k8凯发版官网 金胜集团k8凯发版官网-金胜粮油集团

jinsheng group party committee’s party history learning and education activities entered the yimeng revolution memorial hall


on the morning of june 20, in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the communist party of china and solidly promote the in-depth study and education activities of party history, the jinsheng group party committee organized party member representatives to visit and study at yimeng revolution memorial hall, east china revolutionary martyrs cemetery and other red education bases. xing jixiao, deputy director of the municipal justice bureau and deputy captain of the municipal-appointed junan county high-quality development service team, wang lemin, a fourth-level researcher at the junan county development and reform bureau and red-collar secretary of the county-appointed enterprise, song lili, deputy secretary of the group party committee, and member of the party committee more than 40 people including cui yanfeng, wu yubo, zou yefei and some party members attended the event.


with great admiration, all party members listened carefully to the narrator's vivid explanation, carefully viewed the documents and video materials, silently felt the magnificent yimeng revolutionary history, and remembered the people of yimeng who closely followed the party's leadership and were willing to make sacrifices and sacrifices, and went through countless hardships. suffering and supporting the glorious course of the victory of the revolution. when the commentator mentioned that the war of liberation entered a critical period and the people of yimeng sacrificed their lives, "the last grain of grain was used as military rations, the last piece of cloth was used as military uniforms, and the last son was sent to the battlefield," every party member present was deeply moved. , everyone expressed solemn expressions and sighed, further understanding and understanding the source and weight of the great yimeng spirit.


after visiting the exhibition hall, under the leadership of comrade song lili, deputy secretary of the party committee of the group, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party facing the party flag.


after visiting the exhibition hall, under the leadership of comrade song lili, deputy secretary of the party committee of the group, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party facing the party flag.



through this party education, party members were ideologically educated, soul-baptized, and spiritually shocked. they all expressed that they would inherit and carry forward the yimeng spirit, further remember history, fulfill their duties, not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, and effectively enhance the revitalization of the times. with a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, we will give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of communists, contribute to the group's high-quality development with practical actions, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding results.
