jinsheng group party branch won the title of “advanced grassroots party organization in shandong province”-k8凯发版官网

 jinsheng group party branch won the title of “advanced grassroots party organization in shandong province”-k8凯发版官网 金胜集团k8凯发版官网-金胜粮油集团

jinsheng group party branch won the title of “advanced grassroots party organization in shandong province”


recently, a commendation conference for outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations in shandong province was held in jinan. the meeting read out the "decision of the shandong provincial committee of the communist party of china on commending outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations in shandong province". the party branch of jinsheng cereals and oils group was awarded the honorable title of "advanced grassroots party organization in shandong province".


over the years, jinsheng group has always adhered to the work philosophy of "focusing on party building around development, doing a good job in party building to promote development", fully implementing the responsibility of strict party governance, giving full play to the leading role of party building, and the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard of party members. it plays a role model and continuously transforms the political advantages of party building work into soft power that leads the construction of corporate culture and promotes the healthy development of enterprises, realizing the party's all-round guidance and service for enterprise operation and management.


highlight ideological guidance and establish new development concepts. since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, the party organization of the group has always adhered to party building as the guide, integrated party building work into operation and management, and insisted on focusing party building on the center and gathering strength for the overall situation. especially in recent years, the group party committee has adhered to the core concept of "building a strong party and strengthening the enterprise", instilling the essence of the party's various principles and policies into the process of corporate decision-making and implementation, helping to build consensus and unify thinking, and achieved remarkable results. since its establishment in 2020, the group party committee has successively won the titles of linyi city party flag flying demonstration base, linyi city advanced grassroots party organization, junan county five-star party organization, and junan county advanced grassroots party organization.


highlight political leadership and build a strong red fortress. in actual work, the group party committee resolutely implements the concept of “integrating into central work and stimulating party spirit” to fully stimulate the vitality of the party members and make party members and employees the main force in overcoming difficulties. through the implementation of "two-way entry and cross-appointment" between party committee members and management, we will give full play to the leading role of party members, leading cadres and officers as "leading geese" in entrepreneurship and "vanguards" who bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities. at the same time, we firmly grasp the orientation of "cultivating outstanding employees into party members and cultivating party members into backbones", insist on synchronous planning of party organization establishment and front-line business, and build the branch at the forefront of production and operation. at present, 95% of the group's operating management are party members, and party members account for more than 75% of middle-level cadres. there are 12 pioneer positions for party members and 9 party member responsibility areas. party building work and corporate management have been deeply integrated.


highlight the leadership of education and promote quality improvement and efficiency. the group party committee regards party building as an important engine to realize the conversion of old and new driving forces and promote the high-quality development of enterprises, and transforms party building work into the core competitiveness of enterprises. focus on strengthening the education and management of party members, and solidly carry out the theme education of "don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind". focusing on the "six ones", we will promote the normalization and institutionalization of learning and education through a combination of concentrated learning and party members' self-study. at the same time, we regularly carry out party history study and education activities. we have visited yimeng revolutionary memorial hall, east china revolutionary martyrs cemetery, menglianggu battle memorial hall, yimeng hongsao memorial hall, the former site of the shandong provincial government and other places to visit and study, and organized all communist party members to review the oath of joining the party to educate the general public. party members must never forget their solemn commitments to the party at any time; they must follow the oath of joining the party, constantly enhance their abilities of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement, and always maintain their true qualities as communists.


highlight cultural guidance and practice responsibility. with party building as the rudder and culture as the sail, the group party committee adheres to the humanistic concept and actively fulfills the corporate mission of "industry for the people and repaying society" while truly caring for employees and creating a "family culture" for party building. relying on the national peanut breeding base, it has promoted 200,000 acres of cooperative bases and increased farmers' income through order planting. it has built a shandong industrial tourism demonstration base and a peanut culture museum. since last year, it has received more than 270,000 public welfare visits, creating a national peanut exchange cooperation base, popular science education base, professional farmer training base, primary and secondary school students study tour and other bases. in addition, the company directly donated more than 4 million yuan to help rural infrastructure construction, and provided paired assistance to more than 200 poor households, helping the poor households escape poverty. after the outbreak of the covid-19 epidemic, the group party committee quickly launched emergency relief, donated money and materials to the charity federation and wuhan to support the fight against the epidemic. at the same time, it took the lead in resuming production and operating at full capacity, effectively ensuring market supply and demonstrating the company's responsibility.


the journey is long, but there is only struggle. at the new starting point of the new journey towards the second centenary goal of the chinese nation, the jinsheng group party committee will further play the role of an advanced grassroots party organization, not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind, continuing to maintain the high morale and practical and innovative spirit of entrepreneurship, adhering to the "making products" with the business philosophy of “putting good character first and making good oil, good returns will come”, we will continue to provide consumers and the whole society with more healthy, nutritious and delicious products, create a new development situation with new ideas, and build a new development with new achievements. height, and contribute a steady stream of golden power in the grand journey of realizing the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.
